McDonalds Donation
Keith Santacroce, of the newly renovated New Brite Plaza McDonalds, presented FSC’s Executive Director, Caitlin Rose with a donation of $500 for programs. Mr. Santacroce was quoted by the New Britain Herald as saying, “My success is based on who I have,” Mr. Santacroce, who is a regular donor to the FSC also restated his willingness to…
Read MoreOver three weeks, Monique worked diligently to help Catherine find a new apartment that worked well with her budget. On December 1st, 2022, Catherine signed the lease to a new, spacious apartment where she is currently residing with her daughter. Since moving in, Catherine is also back to working full-time. Catherine said, “I am grateful…
Read MoreGrips and Sips Mini Golf!
Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and golfed with us A big shout out to our sponsors, without whom this wouldn’t have happened. They truly believe in Love Made Visible. With their help, the Friendship Service Center will be able to continue our work of feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. Nutmeg IT…
Read MoreA Successful 2022 Grips and Sips!
Recently the Friendship Service Center Team, contributors, and friends enjoyed an afternoon of mini golf, refreshments, and camaraderie. A primary highlight of the fun mini-golf tournament was presenting the 2022 FSC Grips & Sips trophy to winner Todd DeGroff, of Beacon Prescriptions. Way to go Todd! We thank our generous event sponsors and contributors, including: The…
Read More2022 Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping List!
“The secret of living is giving.” – Anonymous It’s that time of the year again! We’re gearing up for Fall with thoughts of Thanksgiving. Now is the time to think about your holiday donation plans. With gratitude and thanksgiving, FSC thanks you in advance for realizing the impact your contributions can make to curb homelessness.…
Read MoreFrom the seeds of an idea, a beautiful garden blooms
Evelyn Anderson and Bonnie McNair wiped dirt from their gardening gloves and their brows as they surveyed the finished courtyard border garden that they andother Friends of the Friendship Service Center created through weeks of work. The idea for the garden began when Ana Trammell, Program Coordinator, attended a Friends meeting and said several residents…
Read MoreConnecticut Food Bank / Foodshare Walk Against Hunger
The Connecticut Food Bank / Foodshare Walk Against Hunger is the largest anti-hunger event of its kind in Connecticut. This year the Connecticut Food Bank and Foodshare have combined organizations and have organized the statewide event as a cooperative effort with local partners to raise funds and awareness. This year the Walk will take place…
Read MoreSouth Church makes 10,000 PB & J Sandwiches
Since March 2020, South Church volunteers have been making and packing 200-300 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every week, along with a snack or two, and delivering them to the Friendship Service Center to hand out with their grab and go hot lunch as a meal for later. South Church turned to this form of…
Read More‘Bunnies for Hunnies’ deliver Easter joy
Each Easter season, approximately 50 stuffed rabbits “hop” into the arms of children who are assisted by the Friendship Center. These new friendships are made thanks to “Bunnies for Hunnies,” a Newington-family organization that was started eight years ago by the Vass family. At that time, the twin daughters, Julianna and Elaina Vass, collected 50…
Read MoreWarming Center recaps winter 2021 season
As springlike temperatures arrive, memories are fading of the coldest days of the yearwhen the Friendship Center helped people in need at the Warming Center. Located at57 Arch St., the program was opened in response to the state’s Cold Weather Protocolput in place on Dec. 16, 2020. From Jan. 4 until it closed on March…
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